Theatre Production: Woyzeck
Theatre: The Rep @therepbirmingham
Dates: 15th – 23rd June 2018
There is still time to get tickets to this unique and well written stage show for adults, which is playing at The Rep until Saturday Evening.
Woyzeck is a poignant drama about a young couple (Marie and Woyzeck) who got together as school sweethearts at a time where Woyzeck would copy love poems out of a poem book and give them to Marie, pretending he had written them.
Woyzeck then became a soldier, fighting for his country to be free while Marie stayed in their flat with the newborn baby, living on the rations that Woyzeck would bring home.
Thankfully the war comes to an end, but sadly Woyzecks mental health has been affected and it is apparent he is now suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
When a trial of eating only peas as part of an experiment (this bit I found a little bizarre, was he giving Peas a Chance at the end of the war?) and the possible cheating of his girlfriend with another man, sends him over the edge, it all ends with disastrous consequences.
The story originally written in the 1830s has been cleverly changed and adapted by Leo Butler into a play more about the current era – social media, selfies, current singers and bands. With the 100 additional cast members (part of the Birmingham International Dance Festival @bhamdancefest ) a whole new dimension was brought to the show.
The acting in this show was brilliant, not just from the main roles (Jalleh Alizadeh and Thomas Pickles) but also from the Community Company too.
My stand out favourite was Richella McPherson who played the robot. It took every bit of self control to not stand up and try copying her moves. She was fantastic.
A special mention for the set design too, which was immense. Cleverly designed. By far, my favourite set design of the year.
A must see show for the end of the current season.
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Photo credits: Graeme Braidwood
Hey, if you liked this review or maybe were inspired to try this out because of my post, you can always buy me or the kids a drink or a slice of cake on our next big trip! Just hit the button below, if you want to. 🙂