⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fin-tastic!
Move over The Little Mermaid and welcome Ursula The Sea Witch, The Musical Parody that’s aimed at adults aged 16 plus and filled to the brim of sexual innuendos, comedic tunes and, let’s just put it bluntly… dick. Not into any of those? Then, I’d probably skip this one.

Set under the sea, we get to find out the back story of Ursula. Is she really the villain we have all come to know? Or has she, like many, just had a difficult past that’s made her act differently? You need to book tickets to the show to find out. Which, might I add, you can catch at Birmingham Hippodrome until 14th April 2024, and then you can see it again in the Midlands at The Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton from 11th to 14th July 2024.
Shawna Hamic (Orange is the New Black) skillfully portrays Ursula’s character with complexity and depth, inviting the audience to empathise with her and even celebrate her. Her vocals are astounding with the ability to sing a ballad style tune to almost rapping at one point, all whilst dancing and moving around on the stage (of which she’s on it at least 90% of the time). It’s a big leading role and my gosh does Shawna Hamic own it! What a woman! An inspiration to many.

Thomas Lowe (singer, actor, TV host, and composer) takes on the role of Triton with great stage presence and vocal ability, adding sex appeal to the show with his abs and flowing locks and offering the audience heaps of giggles with his lines. Triton could be the David Beckham of Mermaids.
The whole cast delivers compelling performances, with standout moments that bring the story to life. I’ve got to admit I am a huge fan of the songs, “Where the Dicks Are” and “Sucking On You” from Act One and “Les Poissons” from Act Two. River Medway is the perfect Ariel with a regional accent, hilarious vocals and the scene with Allie Dart during Les Poissons in Act Two was absolutely brilliant. Allie is the epitome of comedy, and it doesn’t surprise me when reading her bio in the programme that she was the Winner of the Tom Bennet Comedy Award).
But some of my favourite moments came from Julian Capolei, who played Vanessa/Grimsby. What a star! Top acting skills and dance moves to impress.

The set doesn’t change much throughout the show, but it doesn’t need to, we are underwater, and the use of lights and projections portrays that well. Sometimes less is more, and that’s the case here, what is on show has been designed brilliantly and with the costumes and the addition of fun puppetry too, it is a set design triumph! Well done Abby Clarke. The musical score enhances the narrative (thanks to the collaborative work between Robyn Grant, Daniel Foxx and Tim Gilvin), with memorable songs that stick in your head even into the next day (they also have a Spotify playlist if you’d like to carry on with the tunes when you go home). The live band is on stage throughout the show, I always personally find that a nice touch as they are just as much part of the show as the cast. 3 keyboards (Arlene McNaught, Rachel Murphy and Ella Ingram), 1 guitar (Dejeanté Hinks), and 1 drum (Becky Slater).
I could talk for ages about this show, but in short, it is fabulous fun. It is oh so naughty, oh so cheeky, and it would be unfortunate if you didn’t get a chance to see it.
Disclaimer: I was invited along to the Press Showing of this performance.