Class: Spinsonic Circus Family Class
Location: Blue Coat School, Somerset Road, Edgbaston, B17 0HR
Time: 3pm – 4pm
Price: £4.00 per adult, £5.00 for one adult and one child, £2.00 for each additional child, Under 1s Free.
On Saturday, we went along to our very first (and definitely not last) Spinsonic Circus Family Class.
For those who haven’t heard about these amazing classes, they are aimed at children from the age of two to adults of any age. You could bring your children AND your parents and you would all have a great time.
The session is inclusive not just for different ages, but also for different abilities and medical conditions. The hall is laid out to be user friendly. Each activity separated from another activity, giving you the required space to give it a try without worrying that you will knock into someone else. A perfect environment for children with ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) as there is also a chillout zone with soft mats, tents, cushions, blankets and fidget toys and it doesn’t feel too busy in the hall.
Matilda and Jemima loved hanging out in this area and then heading back to do another activity. They don’t have ASD but I think that’s the beauty of this class, it really is inclusive for everyone and appeals to all.
You’re probably wondering what type of circus activities you can practice at this group – and there’s a lot!
- Poi
- Hula hooping
- Juggling
- Slackline
- Rolling walking drum
- Plate spinning
- Diabolo
- Toddler balance beam
- Kids stilts
- Pedal boards
- Parachute play
- Gymnastic ribbons
We had a go at EVERYTHING.
We all had our favourites though;
Jemima loved the kids stilts which she played with over and over again. Constantly returning to give them another try. A great activity to develop coordination and balance and it made her giggle a lot.
Another of her favourites was learning how to plate spin with Rachel who runs the class. Rachel took the time to sit with Jemima and teach her how to do it. Watching Jemimas smile when she could do it, really made my day. She was so chuffed.
Matilda loved playing with the Hula Hoops, not in the traditional way of spinning the hoop on your hips, but instead, pushing it along the floor and chasing it. She laughed so much doing this and it was great exercise and physical activity for her.
She also loved walking along the slackline to develop her balance and coordination. She held her dad’s hands as she gave it a try for the first time and we hope that after a few classes she might be able to balance herself across it. We saw quite a few adults giving it a try too – it’s not as easy as it looks, but so much fun!
Mr Smallhousebigtrips favourite part was the beginners juggling tutorial that Rachel ran for ten minutes at 3:30pm. He loved learning the basics of juggling using ribbons and then trying the circus act using hoops. You could see his confidence gain from the first five minutes, to the end of the session.
He also enjoyed giving the pedal boards a go and the hula hooping. And it was nice to see us being able to have fun at a class for the whole family, rather than watching the children have fun from the sidelines.
My favourite was a one to one hula hoop session with Rachel, where she taught me how to hula hoop for at least 8 spins around my waist – which if you know me, is quite a feat as I have NO rhythm and usually when I attempt to hula hoop, the hoop spins once and drops to the floor. Embarrassing I know! Even more exciting, the hoop I was using has apparently been used on the stage of Britain’s Got Talent.
There’s so much to do at this class and we would love to go back soon and give everything a try again. Practice makes perfect right? And maybe next time I’ll manage 15 spins of the hula hoop around my waist.
Did the girls give the class a thumbs up or a thumbs down…?
And there’s your answer.
Thank you for having us Spinsonic Circus.
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Disclaimer: We were gifted a free class at Spinsonic Circus in return for an honest review. All views are of my own or of my families. And we thought that the class was great.
Hey, if you liked this review or maybe were inspired to try this out because of my post, you can always buy me or the kids a drink or a slice of cake on our next big trip! Just hit the button below, if you want to. 🙂