This isn’t the first post I have written about Sound Right Phonics classes. I’m constantly instagramming (is that a word?) the fun that we have within the sessions and wherever I go, I let people know how fantastic the classes are. But there’s a good reason for this.
Jemima started going to the classes just as she was turning 2. And we joined the class for ages 2.5 – 5 years.
From the first day that we walked in (see picture below of one of our first few sessions) to the Jemima who attends now (Turned 3 in Jan), she has learnt so so much. And this is with thanks to Jenna who runs the sessions as she just makes all children feel at ease. There’s some people that are just perfect for their job role and Jenna fits this role perfectly.
I thought as I’ve described the classes before in previous posts, it might make more sense to tell you all what the sessions have done for Jemima.
So here are our top ten of the (many) things that Jemima can now do, with thanks to Jenna and Sounds Right Phonics Classes:
1) Identify her name from a collection of names
2) Phonetically pronounce the letters in her name
3) Count to twenty (really fast)
4) Draw lines and do mark making with a pen, attempts to write Jemima
5) Sings a lot of phonics songs and performs the actions
6) Identify what letter certain objects begin with and also when given a letter, she can think of a word that begins with the letter
7) Read short words including cat, sad and hen amongst many others
8) Jump with both legs off of the floor and hop on one leg
9) How to wait her turn patiently (although I have to admit, she’s a little bit flexible with following this. Haha)
10) Jemima can now oral blend some sounds to make words
The sessions run by Jenna are educational, fun and they have given Jemima and all of the children that attend, the fundamental foundations for reading and writing. There’s not many sessions out there that cover sound recognition, alliteration, oral blending and segmenting.
Jemima recently started school nursery and I want to thank Jenna from the bottom of my heart for giving Jemima such a fantastic start to school life by providing these wonderful lessons. Thank you.
Jemima never once felt like she was doing work. She was having fun in sessions, playing games, dancing, giggling, having a playdough disco, all of this whilst learning and making new friends.
If you are looking for a local class in North Birmingham and you want to give your child the best opportunity to learn and be prepared for school, I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed in these sessions that follow the EYFS.
If you’d like to book onto a trial session or for the whole term immediately, please contact Jenna on Facebook here:
Or via email here: