ExCELLent! It would be a crime to not see this show whilst it is at The Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Based on the short novel by Stephen King, Adapted by Owen O’Neill and Dave Johns and Directed by David Esbjornson, The Shawshank Redemption tells a story of perseverance and patience within a maximum-security penitentiary over the course of twenty years.

Two imprisoned men, Ellis ‘Red’ Redding (Ben Onwukwe) and Andy Dufresne (Joe Absolom) strike up a friendship and bond over a number of years, battling through the life of living in dark and dreary Shawshank Prison.
Andy Dufresne is given a double life sentence for the murder of his wife and her lover, golfer Gregg. Despite telling everyone he is innocent, no one believes him and he is sent to the notorious Shawshank to serve his time.
Andy starts his time in the prison keeping himself to himself until he is invited to play a game of chess with Rooster (Samarge Hamilton) . Things take a turn for the worst after Andy wins the chess match against Rooster. Rooster and his side kick Bogs (Lee James) also known collectively as ‘the sisters’, sexually abuse Andy. Cleverly portrayed on the stage with Red giving a narrative whilst the lights go down on Andy enduring the attack.

Determined to get through prison life, Andy manages to make a friendship with Red, (everyones helpful friend who can get you whatever you want) and things in Shawshank get a bit easier. Although not for too long as Warden Stammas (Mark Heenehan) decides to bully Andy into subservience and exploits his knowledge of tax and accountancy (he was a banker before his incarceration), which comes with some perks including a chance to become friends with newbie inmate, Tommy (Coulter Dittman) who is eager to pass his exams and get parole to be back with his girlfriend and child.
Tommy has evidence of Andy’s innocence and is eager to help Andy out, much to his own detriment. Coulter Dittman performed this role perfectly and was a great addition to the casting. A really believable performance and his final scene almost had me weeping.
I absolutely loved the show this evening. Some really great acting from the cast, especially Ben Onwukwe who owned the stage when he was on it.

The stage design portrayed the feeling of claustrophobia. The dark colours, the grey walls. The feeling like the walls were coming in on you. This was a straight forward set with drop downs from the ceiling including bookshelves and fake walls. The main stage remained the same. But a fancy stage was not needed. This is a production where the acting speaks for itself.
It was lovely to see so many people up for a standing ovation at the end. A true sign that this was a performance loved by many.
If you would like to book tickets to see this superb performance which is on until Saturday 12th 2022, you can purchase your tickets (starting from £13) here: https://www.atgtickets.com/shows/the-shawshank-redemption/the-alexandra-theatre-birmingham/