⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Impressive choreography performed by a talented cast filled to the brim of stamina and sex appeal.

Forget Saturday Night Fever, last night I had Tuesday Night heart palpitations. Sat in the stalls, transfixed at the calibre of dancing on the stage. The audience drooling over Jack Wilcox, playing the role of Tony Manero and Rebekah Bryant playing Stephanie Mangano . We had a naked torso (and plenty of happy yelps from the audience), tight leotards and a lot of thrusting and hip popping.

This musical adaptation of the iconic 1977 film, is filled with Bee Gees classics, performed by three talented singers including a personal favourite of mine – AJ Jenks as Barry Gibb, Oliver Thomson as Robin Gibbs and Drew Ferry as Maurice Gibb, led by a band who remain on the stage through most of the show. The vocals were superb and they managed to recreate the classic songs such as Staying Alive and More Than a Woman perfectly. I liked the gold outfits and long hair, you felt like you were in the 70s just looking at them.

For those unaware of the story, it follows Tony Manero (Jack Wilcox) a young man who works at the local paint store. He has a huge passion and talent for dancing, tight-fitting flares and unbuttoned shirts and is friends with a group of lads who like three things; Girls, disco dancing and acting macho.

With life at home not great, an alcoholic and abusive out-of-work dad, an exhausted mother, a brother who has left the priesthood and a sister who seems scarred by it all. Tony appears to have the world on his shoulders. When he hears about a dance competition with a monetary prize, he jumps at the chance… he just needs to find a dance partner. Someone like, Stephanie Mangano (Rebekah Bryant) who is just as good a dancer as he is.
Will they join up and will they win the competition?

This production is superb. The skilled dancing showed off how brilliant Bill Deamers choreography is. Fast paced, synchronised, fun, entertaining. When the cast were dancing, the audience were transfixed. Jack and Rebekah owned the stage, oozing talent and skill. I have no idea how they remember all those dance moves and lines. Especially Jack who was on the stage for what felt like the whole show.
Saturday Night Fever is a wonderful show that gets everyone wanting to sing and have a little dance.
Should you get tickets to see this show? Yes! Yes! Yes!
Saturday Night Fever is at The Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham until Saturday 26th November 2022. You can book tickets here: https://www.atgtickets.com/venues/the-alexandra-theatre-birmingham/
Disclaimer: I was invited along to the press opening. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.