On Wednesday night I headed along to Sass Class. A new dance/fitness class run by One Day Theatre at Moorpool Hall in Harborne on Wednesdays at 7:30pm. It’s aimed at adults 16 plus and I can vouch for how AMAZING it is.
I took two of my longest known friends along (after knowing both for nearly half of my life, I figured they’d have both seen me dance badly before so it wouldn’t matter if I was awful and it was a great excuse for a girls get together) and even though I have two left feet and a bad memory, I knew I was going to have a good time as I was with good friends.
And it was great.
This week we were learning the routine for Thriller for Halloween.
And I had so much fun.
Not only did I have fun, I burnt calories and felt like I’d had a good work out.
Each class lasts 90 minutes. With 30 minutes as a warm up and then cool down. So it’s an hour of learning a routine and dancing.
Meg who runs the class is great. Easy to understand and follow, friendly, happy to work at your speed and repeat bits if you’re stuck. I’m really not joking when I say I have two left feet, but here I was, in this dance class actually part of a routine.
Me and my friends enjoyed it that much we are going to go back next week. It would be great to see some more of you there.
First class totally FREE.
Classes after are £5 each, £18 for 4 classes upfront or £40 for 10 classes.