Yes, that’s right, Pumpkin Picking at our favourite farm has started.
Essington Farm are running a ticketed event this year to ensure that the event remains as safe as possible during the current pandemic.
We headed along today (1st October) on its first day of opening to see how they are running the sessions, to let you all know.
You need to book your timed ticket entry online before visiting. Off peak tickets are £1, Peak Tickets are £2 each.

When you pull onto Essington Farm, signs direct you where to park for PYO Pumpkins with a seperate entrance to the usual one (they are operating a one way system).

Once you have parked up, follow the signs and arrows to the check in desk where you can use sanitiser, check in via the NHS Track and Trace app (if you are using that) and then have your tickets ready to be scanned. I recommend printing them out for ease of scanning. The lady that greeted us was lovely and friendly, wearing a mask and gave us an information sheet.

After checking in, you can choose a wheelbarrow. They have loads of these. I’m going to guess at least 40 available.
You can then head onto the field to choose your pumpkins. The quality this year were great. Some really huge round pumpkins. The girls were so excited choosing one each.

We looked around the whole field and managed to choose a total of 5 Pumpkins. All different sizes. All great quality.
The field was large and there was plenty of space for social distancing. Even better, there was only one other family picking Pumpkins when we were there.

When we had finished, we followed the exit signs to the payment hut. Our 5 large pumpkins came to £22 which we thought was a bargain considering the size of them.

The payment hut also sold various pumpkin carving kits, teeth for pumpkins and toffee apples. All at reasonable prices.

We loved our little after school trip in the fresh air and recommend Essington Farm to everyone.
Little Tips:
1) Remember to wear your wellies
2) Take some gloves and clippers to pick your pumpkin – the brambles are prickly
3) Make sure you’re 100% certain on your chosen pumpkin before picking it
4) Take a camera, you’ll get some lovely photos
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