Me and the girls love the outdoors and part of that fun is admiring all of the wild flowers that we find out on our travels. Sometimes you don’t want to have to go out and spend money. So this weekend we went for a family walk down our local canal and the girls picked the flowers that they found from the canal towpath.
We took them home and put them into a wooden container whilst we opened up our new set from Interplay UK, My Living World Flower Press.
If you haven’t heard of these kits before, they are produced by Inter Play UK and are great for children with inquisitive minds and who like to know how things work. My two girls are 5 and 2 and they both really enjoyed using the Flower Press.
The set is really simple to use. You place your flowers onto the press, close it, then the adult places it into the microwave for 20 seconds with half a mug of water.
You then let it cool down and remove the flowers which are now dried.
Remember the old fashioned way where you’d put them in a book and wait weeks? No need now, this really simple contraption gives you dried flowers in a couple of minutes.
We used the set to make the girls aunt Sally a birthday present.
There’s so much that you could do with these dried flowers… Memory books, picture frames, homemade cards.
The set even came with a comprehensive guide written by nature expert Nick Baker.
We really enjoyed using the flower press and for £12.99 it’s a bargain.
I’d definitely recommend getting one and popping out to explore your local wildlife trust or nature reserve.
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Disclaimer: We were gifted the product in return for an honest review. We really liked the set and are planning on purchasing some of the other sets within the brand.
Hey, if you liked this review or maybe were inspired to try this out because of my post, you can always buy me or the kids a drink or a slice of cake on our next big trip! Just hit the button below, if you want to. 🙂