There’s a new twist on the classic tragedy of Romeo + Juliet in Matthew Bourne’s latest touring production, which opened today (until 21st Oct 2023) at Wolverhampton Grand, before continuing its tour to Aberdeen, Paris and Los Angeles.
Well known for his innovative, unconventional approach to classical ballet, Matthew has once again pushed the boundaries of traditional storytelling with his latest production of Romeo and Juliet. Set inside the walls of a mental health hospital (or is it?) This production is very much left to you, to take your own interpretation of what you see in front of you.

As the stage curtain opens, you’re instantly wondering where you are. A swimming baths? Changing rooms? The set design is minimalistic, but that’s very much welcomed. There’s a lot happening on the stage throughout the production with dancers, so less on the stage scenery front is very much appreciated for a viewer like me, who wants to see and take in, every little aspect. And you are going to want to watch everything happening on this stage.
The dancers move seamlessly, blending contemporary dance with traditional ballet techniques, all perfectly in time. It is sexy, energetic, and filled with passion, helped further by the superb choreography (Arielle Smith) and music from composer Prokofiev. You’ll recognise the Dance of the Knights in the production (the theme tune to The Apprentice).
The chemistry between the two protagonists, Romeo (Paris Fitzpatrick) and Juliet (Cordelia Braithwaite), is wonderful to watch. The passionate pas de deux with the elongated kiss leaves the audience captivated. What a love story. Young, passionate love. The type you only really have in your late teens/early 20s.
The ensemble works harmoniously together, portraying the various characters of the hospitals residents and staff. In this version, it was wonderful to see Lennox (Eve Ngbokota) reimagined as non-binary and Mercutio (Cameron Flynn) interpreted as gay, having some of the most sensual scenes on the stage. Bourne doesn’t shy away from real life, and as an audience, we absolutely love it. Bringing to the stage important issues such as mental health, loneliness, abuse, isolation, and societal pressures to ‘fit in a box’.

If you’re looking for a modern and contemporary style ballet that pushes the boundaries with style and class, then this is the ballet for you.
Book your tickets here: https://www.grandtheatre.co.uk/whats-on/matthew-bournes-romeo-and-juliet/