⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mesmerising, emotive and a work of art
“We all inhabit it (Earth), we all take from it, and we all build on it, but we have forgotten to return our respect for it.” – Akram Khan
With this, comes Akram Khan’s brilliant creation, The Jungle Book:Reimagined. Khan has taken Rudyard Kiplings traditional story and turned it on its head. The production is gripping, raw and beautiful all in one. My gaze only broken once. I was connected to everything happening on the stage. Joined in Mowgli’s journey of survival.
In this adaptation Mowgli is a young refugee, caught in a world devastated by climate change. Humans have destroyed the planet, water’s are rising and cities are flooded. Animals of all shapes and sizes have come together, in an area above the water, forming an uneasy alliance as they try to find their way through an unreliable, scary climate.

A young child (Mowgli) finds herself separated from her family. Alone in a flooded City with no humans in sight. The wolf pack led by Raksha and Rama find her. Raksha is eager to keep the child but Rama is sure that humans only bring danger and the child must be destroyed. They soon bring the child before the animal Council, led by Akela, a dog. After much deliberation, the child is accepted and renamed Mowgli. Mowgli begins proving her worth to the animals and eventually, seeks out humankind to make them see the suffering they cause.
The story speaks to the audience. We come away, knowing that we need to listen, take notice of what’s happening and make changes. If we don’t act soon, future generations may be encountering similar lives. We are at a risk of mass extinction. We hear Greta Thunberg during the production, “How dare you! How dare you!” echoing around the theatre and I feel she would welcome this production with open arms. If only we could get world leaders to watch it, government ministers, CEOs of large businesses, parents and children. It speaks a loud message to everyone, from all generations, we need to act now, for a better future for the following generations.

Featuring a wonderfully created original score by Jocelyn Pook, ten absolutely phenomenal international dancers (oh my, what absolute talent) and the most fabulous animation and visuals (I am in complete awe of the talent from Visual Stage Designer Miriam Buether and Director of Animation Adam Smith) what superb talent.
Everyone who took part in creating, performing and producing this production deserves huge kudos. This play will have a lasting effect on me and everyone else who watched it, for a very long time.
The Jungle Book: Reimagined dancers are; Lucia Chocarro, Tom Davis-Dunn, Thomasin Gülgeç, Max Revell, Matthew Sandifird, Phil Yung Shum, Fukiko Takase, Holly Vallis, Vanessa Vince-Pang and Luke Watson. The most talented dancers I think I have ever seen. The strength, the perfection of every move, I’m in awe.

The show has now left Birmingham Hippodrome and is off to Austria, France and Spain before heading to Edinburgh in August.
Disclaimer: I was invited to the press showing . All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.