⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dolly-licious!
Laughter and toe-tapping tunes are filling the Alexandra Theatre stage this week as the musical ‘Here You Come Again’ takes centre stage. It is a musical that sparkles with energy and charm from start to finish. If you’re a fan of fun, feel-good performances, and Dolly Parton, then this one will hit all of the right notes!
The story follows a quirky, loveable lad Kevin (Aidan Cutler) who is stuck in his parents loft during 2020, navigating the ups and downs of his life, with plenty of giggles and surprises along the way – even a party with Boris Johnson!

It is a show packed with catchy songs (Jolene, 9 to 5 and Islands in the Stream) that had plenty of the audience singing and tapping their feet along to the music. You’d hear the audience exclaim with joy when nostalgic songs were played. Almost a “ooh I forgot about this song” kind of noise.
I’ve got to say, Tricia Paoluccio played the role of Dolly incredibly, and I’m not surprised to read in the programme that Dolly is her idol. Her voice, both when speaking and also singing, was incredibly like Dolly. If you closed your eyes (yes, I tried it), you’d actually think you were at a performance with the real Dolly.

For this performance, Kevin was played by Aidan Cutler and what an excellent understudy he was. Playing the heart of the show, he delivered witty lines and navigated the lighthearted moments with ease. If I could only find one fault, it was that he didn’t have enough songs to sing! A real solid singing voice, that I’d have loved to have heard more of. But then, maybe I am just greedy. Aidan engaged the audience that well, with both charisma and charm, that he made his journey feel so genuine and heartfelt that audience members around me, were audibly empathising with him.
The musicians also deserve a mention for their fabulous work. Kevin Oliver Jones especially caught my attention plenty. I’m sure I’ve seen him on the stage/TV before but can’t think where!
The set design was simple yet effective, with a vibrant, colourful atmosphere that perfectly matched the lighthearted tone of the musical. I loved looking at all the shelves before the show started, pointing out Chucky the doll, Sooty and Sweep, He-man curtains and that cute yellow teapot that I think every child had in the 80s!

Here You Come Again is a brilliant show. The kind that leaves you smiling all the way home – and isn’t that what we all need sometimes?
Disclaimer: I was invited along to the press night. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
Of course you’ve seen Kevin Oliver Jones before, we’re happy to assure you. He’s been in touring and in London shows for over thirty years and he’s our son! Musical Director of pantomimes at Crawley and Windsor, and musician or MD in Roy Orbison Story, Jailhouse Rock Dancing in the Streets , Cher the Musical, That’ll be the Day and the list goes on. He’s loving this current show which we’ve seen twice and will do again. Thanks for the fab comments on the show. Eric and Viv Jones.