⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A comedy thriller that’s definitely a winner.
Tonight we headed to the press night of Jack Weinstock and Willie Gilbert’s, Catch Me If You Can – based on the French play ‘Trap For a Lonely Man” by Robert Thomas which is playing at The Alexandra Theatre until 30th April 2022.

It is a comedy thriller from Bill Kenwright Ltd that had me jumping in my seat, laughing and completely invested in the plot line. It had more twists and turns than a mountain road.
Dallas legend Patrick Duffy, (The Man from Atlantis; Step By Step) Linda Purl, (Happy Days; Homeland) and Gray O’ Brien (Peak Practice; Coronation Street) head the cast in this new fantastic production.

Inspector Levine (Gray O’Brien) is called to a Mountain Lodge in the remote Catskill mountains to investigate the disappearance of newly married Elizabeth Corban who was last seen by her husband after a row where she left in Mr Levine’s car.
A woman soon arrives at the house claiming to be the missing Elizabeth (Linda Purl) but, her husband, Daniel Corban (Patrick Duffy) accuses her of being an imposter…
The show really keeps you gripped. The acting was brilliant between Gray O’Brien, Patrick Duffy and Linda Purl.

Gray O’Brien was a firm favourite for us both. He moved from the wise cracking detective to the serious investigator smoothly. We loved how he became dishevelled as the play went on.
Patrick Duffys acting was almost effortless. A true star who delivered every second of his performance flawlessly.

Linda Purl was expressive in her performance and had real stage presence.
All of the cast members were fantastic in their own rights and should be incredibly proud of their performances this evening.
If you get the chance to go and watch this show, please do let me know what you think… especially of the amazing ending.
Disclaimer: We were invited along to the press showing of Catch Me If You Can. All thoughts and opinions are entirely our own.