⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Witty, catchy and a must-see!
It was wonderful to see so many happy children’s faces at the Belgrade Theatre last night. Hearing the laughter across the audience, not just from children but adults too, was lovely.

Billionaire Boy has started its UK tour at the Belgrade Theatre, where it stays until Saturday 19th February 2022 and tells the story of Joe Spud (Matthew Gordon), the son of Len Spud (Matthew Mellalieu), a self made billionaire from his creation of the Bum Fresh brand of toilet roll. Not just any toilet roll – one side is dry and the other… everyone’s favourite word… moist.

Along with a fabulously created stage set (no wonder there was a toilet paper shortage) and great performances from talented actors and actresses, we are taken on an all singing, all dancing, brilliant acting, journey through the life of Joe Spud and how being a Billionaires son gives him a number of challenges in his life.

The play has lots of important messages for children (and adults) to take on board including;
1) Money can’t buy you happiness (although it can get you a ticket to this fabulous show, which we highly recommend)
2) The best things in life are not possessions but time and thought
3) Treat everyone well. You never know when you’ll be the one needing help.
4) Beware of strange dinner ladies who might feed you deep fried blue tac or roast bat 🙂
And along with messages within the story, we laugh along to poo jokes and typical slapstick humour. There’s some adult humour in there too. This really is a show for everyone.

I have to admit, there were a few times I struggled to catch the lyrics of some parts of the songs. I’m unsure whether the words needed to be anunciated more or if the music was just a little louder than the vocals. Either way, it didn’t hinder our enjoyment, we really loved the show and would recommend any one to go and see it.
My favourite performance of the evening was Emma Matthews as Mrs Trafe the dinner lady. I laughed so much at her parts and loved the sneaky adult humour. Tuhin Chisti was also brilliant as Raj, a real loveable character who you couldn’t help but smile at when he was on the stage.
Matthew Gordon performed his role of Joe Spud with such stamina and energy and his friendship bond with Bob (Jake Lomas) worked so well.
A really fabulous performance that will leave you eager to see the rest of David Walliams stage shows.
Ideal for ages 6 plus.
You can purchase tickets here: https://www.belgrade.co.uk/whats-on/

Disclaimer: We were invited along to the Press Showing of David Walliams Billionaire Boy. All thoughts and opinions are entirely our own.
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