Last night I went to Birmingham Repertory Theatre to watch Landmark Productions and The Everyman’s adaptation of Louise O’Neills novel about sexual consent.

Today, at 1pm, I am sat at my dining room table, unsure of what words to put down on paper. How do you put into words, an aching in your heart for a character in a play?
Last nights performance evoked a range of emotions and was indeed a very difficult watch. The second half was powerful and heartbreaking all at once. I am unsure I have ever seen a play where I have wanted to run onto the stage and just hug a character, Emma in this case.

Being a mother of two girls, it scares me. Because this play isn’t just a made up story of something that hasn’t happened (although it is fictional) – it is a story that happens so frequently in today’s society. As a Mum, I can only imagine hugging and holding my child, angry at the perpetrators, wanting to get justice for my daughter. But the parents in this play respond in a way completely unbelievable to me and yet, I know full well, there are people out there who would react this way.

This performance is recommended for ages 14 plus due to its sexual nature, strong language and portrayal of violence.

A 4 star show that I personally believe all children in years 10 or 11 of school, should watch. And all parents, and adolescents and well, basically everyone. It is a haunting story, one that doesn’t leave you. A story of consent (or lack of), rape, blame and shame.

With a powerful ensemble and some excellent work from Lauren Coe as Emma in what must have been thoroughly harrowing lines to learn and actions to act .

Liam Heslin who played Emmas brother, Bryan gave a brilliant performance, along with Dawn Bradfield who played ‘Mam’.

The stage design and scenery was superb and very cleverly thought out. I loved the feeling of being enclosed in Emmas house in the second half. The rain on the glass. The stage managed to make you feel the way Emma must have been feeling.

On at Birmingham Repertory Theatre until February 15th 2020 with a captioned performance on Monday 10th, a BSL interpreted performance on the 11th, an audio described performance on the 12th and a relaxed performance on the 13th at 2pm.
Disclaimer: We were invited along to the press showing. All thoughts and opinions are entirely our own.