⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A sweet and delicious treat for the whole family to enjoy. Being a huge Roald Dahl fan, having grown up reading all of the books, you can imagine my excitement when I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was coming to Birmingham, furthermore, to one of my favourite theatres – Birmingham Hippodrome. Charlie and…
Month: October 2023

Romeo and Juliet, Matthew Bourne
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ There’s a new twist on the classic tragedy of Romeo + Juliet in Matthew Bourne’s latest touring production, which opened today (until 21st Oct 2023) at Wolverhampton Grand, before continuing its tour to Aberdeen, Paris and Los Angeles. Well known for his innovative, unconventional approach to classical ballet, Matthew has once again pushed the…

Ryman’s PYO Pumpkins
Autumn brings with it a myriad of delightful activities, and one beloved tradition for many families is visiting a traditional Pick-Your-Own (PYO) pumpkin farm. We visited Ryman’s PYO Pumpkin farm today and fell head over heels in love. This family-run farm located in Wall, Lichfield has a beautiful backdrop of open fields and offers a…

Art Focus: Maryam Wahid, ‘Dreams of Brum’
Handsworth Library is pleased to announce the arrival of a new exhibition, supported by Birmingham City Council’s Cultural Development Service. Titled “Dreams of Brum,” the exhibition showcases a collection of sixteen remarkable photographic portraits captured by the talented photographer Maryam Wahid, who is based in Birmingham. These captivating portraits were all captured during a series…

Calendar Girls The Musical
A touching and uplifting production with a powerful message of empowerment that’s sure to “…get everyone’s ding dongs merrily on high”. Rating: 3.5/5 stars Calendar Girls The Musical, has been brought to life by a collaboration between Gary Barlow (Take That) and Tim Firth (screen-writer) and is currently showing at The Alexandra Theatre in Birmingham,…