How is it nearly June already? I’m unsure where the year is going. But it’s been a great year so far, action packed and full of fun and it looks like June will continue to be like that. Did you get chance to pop to some of my recommended trips out and events in May?…
Month: May 2018

The Owl and The PussyCat at The Old Rep Theatre, Birmingham
Theatre Production: The Owl and The Pussycat Location: The Old Rep Theatre, Station Rd, Birmingham, B5 4DY Time: 29th May 11:30am Theatre company: Full House Theatre @fullhousetheatre Production Length: 55 minutes Today, me and Matilda went to see a great adaptation by Harriet Hardie and Ben Miles of the very old and very famous poem…

A term of Diddi Dance
Class: Diddi-Dance Location: Mere Green Community Centre, 30 Mere Green Rd, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, B75 5BT Price: £5.50 per class. £27.50 for the half term. Runs in Mere Green Community Centre on Mondays; 9:45-10:30, 10:45-11:30, 13:30-14:15. And on Sundays 9:45-10:30. Diddi Dance is run by Natalie and Dawn Edwards who are co-owners. They also have…

Geronimo Family Festival
What a fantastic Family Festival. This weekend we were lucky to have been invited to Geronimo at Arley Hall and Gardens to review the family friendly festival. We decided against camping and instead had a Saturday Day Ticket. For those (like us before this weekend) who have never been to Geronimo before it is a…

I Learn, Educational Games via Gifts For Little Hands
Matilda started school in September and we are always working on her reading, writing and maths at home. So it was great when we discovered the I Learn range on the Gifts For Little Hands Website. During May they are giving a fantastic 20% discount off the products. All you need to do is put…

Doe Bank Park
Location: Doe Bank Park, Doe Bank Lane, B43 7UG Price: Free Entry and Free Parking After school today, I picked Matilda up and we headed to the park to have a play before picking Jemima up from nursery. I’d never been to Doe Bank Park before, even though it is practically on my doorstep. And…

Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Location: Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Edgbaston, B15 3TR Opening Hours: April to September 10am – 6pm weekdays and 10am – 7pm at weekends Prices: Family (2 adults and 3 children) £22, Adults £7.50, Children Over 5 £5.25, Under 5s are FREE. On Saturday 19th May we decided to head off to The Botanical Gardens for a…

The Baby Show, Birmingham NEC
Dates: Friday 18th, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th May. Times: 9:30am-5pm On Friday 18th May, myself and my friend Jenna, headed along to The Baby Show (with our little ones in tow) to see what goodies we could get and what new products were hitting the market. Our first stop was with Stature PR who…

B’Opera Relaxed Concerts For Grown Ups With Little Ones at St George’s Church, Edgbaston
Location: St George’s Church, Edgbaston, Birmingham Time: 10am-11:30 Price: £10 for One adult and up to two children On Wednesday, me and Jemima jumped into the car after the school run and headed off to St George’s Church in Edgbaston where we were going to the first ever B’Opera Relaxed Concert For Grown Ups With…

Sarah & Duck’s Big Top Birthday at The Old Rep Theatre
Location: The Old Rep Theatre, Station Street, B5 4DY Dates: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th May 2018 Price: Tickets from £14 each. On Monday 14th May, me and Jemima, picked Matilda up from school and headed to The Old Rep where we were going to be watching the brand new stage show of the BAFTA…