Location: King George V Memorial Park and Playing Fields, Stafford Road, Bloxwich, WS3 3NJ
On Friday morning me and Jemima met up with Jemimas Uncle and went to King George V Memorial Park in Bloxwich, so she could have a play. It was my first time in this park and we were very impressed.
The play park is quite large and suitable for under 12’s. The surrounding fields have a rugby pitch and football pitch on and even a skate park. There’s plenty of places to sit down for a picnic, gym equipment spread out on the outside rim of the park, there’s toilets available and a car park too. It really is a lovely green space, perfect for people to visit on a nice summer day.
The Play Park
There’s an array of things that under 12s can do at this park. In particular it is great for ages 6 and under. Low down equipment that they can easily climb and play on.
Even some of the equipment aimed at older children, was easy enough for Jemima to climb. Including the large slide which she loved and was her favourite. I managed to get this photo of her and Uncle Chris going down the big slide (face removed as I’m not sure he would like to be up on my website and it’s early in the morning when I’m writing this, so can’t ask permission), the times she was on her own I’m always over cautious and was at the top helping her to sit down properly, with uncle Chris catching her at the bottom.
The park also has a splash lido but this only opens in the school summer holidays (according to the website).
The park has both baby swings (4 of them) and older children’s swings (also 4 of them).
There’s a play train that Jemima enjoyed getting inside and sitting on, called the Bloxwich Flyer.
It was a really nice park, other notable play equipment included a large stepping stone area, a rope pyramid climbing frame, a high air swinging roundabout for older children (you swing around like a roundabout by holding onto bars in the air) and a floor roundabout.
If you do not live too far away and wanted a trip to a different park this one is definitely worth the visit.
Jemima really enjoyed her time in the park. Made even more special by having some quality time with her uncle.
Hey, if you liked this review or maybe were inspired to try this out because of my post, you can always buy me or the kids a drink or a slice of cake on our next big trip! Just hit the button below, if you want to. 🙂